Monday, 16 November 2015


Find a YouTube clip from film or TV and complete the same activity we have just done in class:

White women and White men the representation is dominant as it potrays the the white female protagonist, Black Widow as being the predominent figure in distress as well as potraying Iron Man and Thor as being God like figures. On the other hand, it potrayed Black Widow in an alternative representation as she is an assassin.

3) What stereotypes can you identify in the trailer?

In this scene lady have been spoken to just like the casualties or the maiden in trouble this is clear in the way the mass needed to spare Black Widow. Be that as it may, the predominant generalization of lady have been tested as one of the fundamental heroes is a professional killer with the ability to slaughter a squad of men. This is powerful as it shows how society has evoloved and how lady and men have approach status. Notwithstanding this with Hulk Black widow is seen as a sexual figure or a figure for men to look at.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

dependency theory

Dependency Theory

I think especially in this generation we are exceedingly reliant on the media. I primarily use the media to gain information regarding sports, and i also use the media for entertainment purposes as I have a sky box and I watch different programmes which range from all sorts of genres. I feel we are mainly dependent on the media because of the hype around different products and software and the feeling in which 'if everyone is using social media and information technology on a regular basis, I must also do the same' and this benefits the technological companies as more civilians buy their products, even if they produce a product in which is not particularly perceived as a great product by the public, there sales for the product still remains quite high because of the demand of information technology. From my assessment this has a negative effect on newspaper companies, as in our generation people tend read the latest news through tablets, televisions and other high tech products. Therefore newspaper companies now find it hard to generate the right sales because people now expect to read and generate news for free. My opinion on the article is very plain and simple, in our generation we are so dependent on the internet that to an extent without it we feel like a lost child in a kids park.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Audience: Psychographics

Who you are working with:
The psychographic group you are researching:

Make up their names:

Jeremy and Nicole

Where do they work/study?

jeremy- sales assistant- aspires to be an entrepreneur

Nicole- fashion designer- aspires to own fashion magazine 
What do they do in their spare time?

jeremy- ps4, cooks, book reading

Nicole- window shopping- brand searching connected to her work
Now suggest their media consumption:

Print: What newspapers/magazines does your group read (if any)? Is this on paper or tablet? 
tablet users mostly but print during travel
Broadcast: What TV programmes/channels do your group watch? Radio stations? TV package – Freeview or Sky? Films?


 on demand

E-Media: What technology do they own? What websites do they visit (if any)?

apple users 
twitter, online news
tablet users

Which makes your main value: StatusClick to read more
and your secondary value: EscapeClick to read more